Linear Functions in RL, State-Action Features, and Eligibility Traces

7 minute read

Target audience: people learning about Reinforcement Learning (RL); already familiar with the basics of value function learning (for state value functions \(\hat{v}(s)\) as well as state-action value functions \(\hat{q}(s, a)\)); also familiar with (linear) function approximation for state value functions, but looking to learn to extend this to state-action value functions. Assumed knowledge roughly corresponds to chapters 6, 9, and (for the final section of my post) 12 of the second edition of Sutton and Barto’s textbook on Reinforcement Learning.

State Feature Vectors

Linear state value functions look like \(\hat{v}(s) = \mathbf{x}(s)^{\top}\mathbf{w} = \sum_{i=1}^d x_i(s) \times w_i\), where:

  • \(\mathbf{x}(s)\) denotes a \(d\)-dimensional feature vector representing a state \(s\).
  • \(\mathbf{w}\) denotes a \(d\)-dimensional weight vector: these are the parameters that we will be learning.
  • \(x_i(s)\) denotes the \(i^{th}\) feature from the vector \(\mathbf{x}(s)\).
  • \(w_i\) denotes the \(i^{th}\) weight from the vector \(\mathbf{w}\).

Note that such a linear function cannot ever learn to look at multiple features in combination. It simply looks at and learns a weight for each feature independently. For example, if our features in Mountain Car are just the position and the velocity of the car, we will never be able to get anywhere close to learning the optimal value function, as the optimal value function in this environment is a nonlinear function of these two state properties. Section 9.5 of the second edition of Sutton and Barto’s textbook on Reinforcement Learning provides extensive detail on a variety of techniques that may be used to construct more informative feature vectors for state value functions.

State-Action Feature Vectors

If we want to learn linear state-action value functions, we will need feature vectors \(\mathbf{x}(s, a)\) that provide information on state-action pairs \((s, a)\), rather than vectors that only describe states. Chapter 10 of the textbook briefly mentions this fact, but otherwise focuses solely on learning algorithms, with no further explanation of how such feature vectors may be constructed. This is a gap that I aim to fill in this post.

There are often relatively obvious features that could be used to describe states, such as position and velocity in Mountain Car (which may be extended using techniques such as Tile Encodings, Polynomials, Radial Basis Functions, etc.). This is often not the case for actions. The only straightforward featurisation of actions we usually have is a one-hot encoding: for an environment with \(n\) different actions, we can construct a vector that contains a value of \(1\) at the index corresponding to the action \(a\) we wish to represent, and values of \(0\) for all other entries. The first idea we will then consider is to construct state-action feature vectors by concatenating such a representation to the representation we would have used for the state. For example,1 if \(\mathbf{x}(s) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_1 & x_2 & \dots & x_d \end{bmatrix}\) would have been our feature vector for a state \(s\), we might consider using \(\mathbf{x}(s, a) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_1 & x_2 & \dots & x_d & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 \end{bmatrix}\) as feature vector for \((s, a=2)\) (I put the \(1\) entry in the second slot of the “action part” of the vector for this example). Important: you should not actually do this, it won’t work when learning linear functions! The reason that this won’t work is because, as described in the previous section, a linear function looks at each feature independently. Looking at state features and action features independently means that it can, at best, learn what “generally good” or “generally bad” actions are over the whole state space. It will never be able to learn that a certain action is good in some states, and bad in others.

There is a good solution to this, which we may think of in two different ways (which may sound different at first, but are mathematically equivalent). Perhaps the easiest way to think of the solution is that we will not just learn a single linear function (vector of weights), but learn \(n\) functions (\(n\) different vectors of weights) for environments with \(n\) actions. Then, our feature vectors can revert to simply being state feature vectors, but we pick a different vector of weights to multiply (in a dot product) with our feature vector depending on the action for which we wish to make a prediction. For example, if we wish to estimate \(\hat{q}(s, 3)\) (for the third action), we compute it as \(\hat{q}(s, 3) = \mathbf{x}(s)^{\top}\mathbf{w}_{(3)}\), where the subscript \((3)\) for the weight vector indicates that we take the specific set of weights tailored towards that particular action.

A different way of thinking of what is mathematically the same solution (but might look a bit different in code) is that we multiply the size of our state feature vector with the number of actions, but always zero out most of it, such that different segments of the vector are used for different actions. More precisely, you would put together \(n\) copies of the state feature vector \(\mathbf{x}(s)\), essentially giving you a much bigger vector with \(n\) equal “segments.” For an input pair \((s, a)\), you would then preserve all the feature values in the \(a^{th}\) segment, and set everything else to \(0\)).

For the specific case of fully deterministic environments, we may also consider an alternative solution. If we are in a state s, take an action a, and transition into a new state s’, the “afterstate” s’ (and, hence, its feature vector) will actually be informative and representative of the state-action pair (s, a). Therefore, we can simply use the state feature vector \(\mathbf{x}(s’)\) of the successor state as input for a \(\hat{q}(s, a)\) function. As soon as there is any stochasticity in the environment, this will no longer work.

Eligibility Traces for Linear Functions of State-Action Pairs

Eligibility traces (whether they be of the classical form as used in TD(λ) or Sarsa(λ), or the dutch traces for the True Online variants of the algorithms) are meant to carry a “memory trace” of the situations we have recently observed, such that we can assign (partial) credit to them for rewards that we observe later. Here, I use the word “situations” to refer to “states” if we are learning state value functions, or “state-action pairs” if we are learning state-action value functions. The dimensionality of the eligibility trace vector should be equal to that of the feature vectors and weight vectors.

From the pseudocode of most algorithms using such traces, it will generally not be immediately obvious how our choice of solution from the previous section (on constructing state-action feature vectors) factors into the updating of eligibility trace vector(s), and the use of them in the update rule of weight vectors. If we train multiple linear functions/sets of weights (one per action): what does this mean for eligibility traces? Should we also have multiple eligibility trace vectors? One for each action? If so, what should our update rule look like? For algorithms that are not based on λ-returns (such as just a plain Sarsa), we would only update a single weight vector (corresponding to a single action) per time step. Doing this in an algorithm using eligibility traces will be wrong, as the entire point of eligibility traces is to carry a memory trace of previously-selected actions (which may not be the one we selected most recently), and update value estimates for them all retroactively as rewards come in.

I think it is easiest to see what the correct implementation of eligibility traces would be if, from the previous section, we take the viewpoint of building state-action features vectors as large vectors that contain multiple “copies” of the state feature vector. We will then also have a single, large eligibility trace vector, and this vector will gradually accumulate non-zero values for many of its entries as we select different actions in different time steps. We can then implement algorithms exactly following the pseudocode of, for example, Sarsa(λ) in the textbook, and everything will work out fine.

If you do prefer the viewpoint of learning multiple separate weight vectors (one for each action), the implementation of update rules with eligibility traces (now also one trace vector per action) will become quite a bit more involved. At every time step, you would have to:

  1. Decay all of the eligibility trace vectors.
  2. Accumulate features from the next state in only a single trace vector (corresponding to the action leading to it). You would actually accumulate features for all of them, but for all other actions, you would multiply by 0.
  3. Update all of the weight vectors (because even ones for actions different from your last-chosen action may have non-zero eligibility traces).


[1]: Note that it’s good to include an always-\(1\) feature in any feature vector, whether it be one for states or state-action pairs, for the bias/intercept term.

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